New-ish Book Alert!

Okay, I can’t believe I forgot to post about this. Seriously, what is going on with me? I always remember to eat lunch (lunch is such a civilized thing, although taken less seriously on my schedule due to my inclusion of breakfast and Elevenses), and I remember when “The Rookie” is on (due to my unending crush on Nathan Fillion) but I forgot to mention I HAD ANOTHER BOOK PUBLISHED!

So, yeah. There’s that.

Thanks to the efforts of my super-duper agent Amy Brewer (heretofore known as “Agent Amy,” because my sister-in-law is also called Amy), my latest novel, “Enchanting Sarah Greenberg” was published by City Owl Press this past spring.

I told you I’m not quite on the ball. Which, given my lack of ability in the sports, is not altogether unsurprising.

“ESG” is about an almost-middle-aged writer who suddenly discovers one day that not only does she possess magical abilities, she comes from an established family of actual magicians and there is a whole magical world existing concurrently with ours. She learns to deal with this information, as well as hone her talents, to take on a foe who wants to take over the family magic store (a source of much power in the magical world) and destroy her family.

I picture Hannah Waddingham as the villain if that helps.

I’m really quite proud of this book, and I hope more people read it. Sometimes I’ll read a passage or chapter, and think, “Wow, I wrote that. How did I write that?” Other times it’s, “What was I thinking?” but that’s NORMAL and COMPLETELY PART OF THE CREATIVE PROCESS.

Don’t look at it too closely. I’m an ARTIST. (Ha!)

Anyway, please buy the book. It comes in either paperback or ebook, and is available pretty much wherever you get your books. For example,



HERE (ebook only)



I’m even online at Target, if that’s your thing.

If you do read and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review somewhere. It helps!

It’s here!

My debut novel, “Girls Who Wear Glasses” has been released and is available now! I’m so excited about this project, as it’s been a long time coming.


Published by Champagne Book Group, it’s a grown-up rom com. I guess it’s what used to be called “Chick Lit,” but I think we should take away any negative connotation from that title. It’s CHICK LIT, DAMMIT!

The protagonist is not particularly young or perky. She is not quirky. There is no “meet cute,” In fact, it’s kind of a “meet awkward.” Rachel Simon is sarcastic, sardonic, smart, and yes, sometimes she’s kiiiind of a doormat. Nobody’s perfect.

I wanted to write about body image, but not in a Dove commercial, hear-me-roar kind of way.

Body positivity is great. Truly. But some of us aren’t there yet, and that’s okay, too. It’s a process – sometimes, a very long process that takes us down a winding road full of bumps, detours, and u-turns. Ultimately, “Girls Who Wear Glasses” is a rom-com for the cynical, a story about weight, love, friendship, self-esteem, and finding your voice. (And it’s freaking funny if I do say so myself.)

Exciting News!

Well, for me, anyway. The rest of you will probably be largely unmoved.


Obviously, I’ve been neglecting this blog. I have a very good excuse, though.

I have a book coming out!

Woman in gold gown raising her arms and saying "ta da!"and saying






My debut novel, “Girls Who Wear Glasses,” is available for pre-order now on Amazon and will be released June 1st. It’s basically a rom-com – a funny, grown-up look at weight, love, friendship and self-acceptance.

I’ll post the descriptive blurb soon, but I wanted to get the word out there ASAP. Obviously, this is not a great time for anyone right now, but hopefully, people will appreciate a light, humorous read as an escape for the enormous crap-show happening out there.

Thank you!