It’s here!

My debut novel, “Girls Who Wear Glasses” has been released and is available now! I’m so excited about this project, as it’s been a long time coming.


Published by Champagne Book Group, it’s a grown-up rom com. I guess it’s what used to be called “Chick Lit,” but I think we should take away any negative connotation from that title. It’s CHICK LIT, DAMMIT!

The protagonist is not particularly young or perky. She is not quirky. There is no “meet cute,” In fact, it’s kind of a “meet awkward.” Rachel Simon is sarcastic, sardonic, smart, and yes, sometimes she’s kiiiind of a doormat. Nobody’s perfect.

I wanted to write about body image, but not in a Dove commercial, hear-me-roar kind of way.

Body positivity is great. Truly. But some of us aren’t there yet, and that’s okay, too. It’s a process – sometimes, a very long process that takes us down a winding road full of bumps, detours, and u-turns. Ultimately, “Girls Who Wear Glasses” is a rom-com for the cynical, a story about weight, love, friendship, self-esteem, and finding your voice. (And it’s freaking funny if I do say so myself.)